Magic Strikes

This book is like a drug addiction! Do you know what a drug addiction is? No? Me neither, lol. So I'll actually use another metaphor.

In this book more things are revealed and we get to feel so many emotions! Feels. Really it's all about the feels. A love story, that is not the main theme of the book, that makes your heart melt and beat faster is so worth reading! And even if I'm a romantic, I didn't fall in love with this series only for the love part, there is so much more.
In this book we get to fall in love with Kate, Curran and Darek. So many things happen and Darek finds himself involved, and well everyone trying to help him out and save the world also find themselves involved. Yep, and he have this big fight in an arena. Yes, arena. While reading the action parts I felt like I was like watching a Marvel movie. Amazing, cool, breathtaking.
Kate opens up so much more. We get to know her more and we get to see her falling for our beautiful Beast Lord! And she just doesn't like that, how could she? Well we surely do!!! There are some hot parts that just get you hooked to the book! Well you should actually read this book to figure out!!!
Then you can tell me if I'm right or wrong! ^^