Teryna90 BookLover

You can follow me on - I'm new at this so I'll try to update as much as I can ^^ :


I have many passions but my two biggest ones are Art and Literature. Just give me a book and you'll make me the happiest persona alive! I look to bookchat so feel free to add me as a friend ^^ Venir catapultato in un mondo nuovo, inizialmente a te sconosciuto, fino a diventarne parte integrante... è una sensazione unica, indescrivibile.


Guerra e Pace - Leo Tolstoy, Pier Cesare Bori, Leone Ginzburg, Enrichetta Carafa Capecelatro


I feel like a conquerer who has just conquered not a land but the whole world!

Yes readers, if you thought that Ulises's Odyssey was anguish and long you have no idea what mine was with this book. I started War and Peace when I was 23, well now I'm 25. That alone answers a few things. You can say that we grew up together. When I decided to start War and Peace I wasn't fully conscious of the commitment that this book required. This book needs a certain life experience, and that's why I'll re-read it one day. When I'll be older and wiser.

The first 80% of the book had me hooked. I didn't skip a single word... Afterwards I started closing the book/ebook at every single chapter. I had to jump a few pages, mostly descriptions, to get to the end. I feel bad for the way I jumped a couple of pages but I needed to put an end to this book, I was sighing and yawning all the time.

Tolstoj I'm sorry, really am but you are just too long winded. Did you really need to describe every single thing or all your life experiences in so many words? x.X

Okay NOW I'll stop kidding and say that you must read this book. IT'S A MUST. But I also want to give a small advice: start this book with the awareness that it needs time, a lot of time, and it's not like anyother book. War and Peace is a life experience. It's a life encyclopedia!

Tolstoj put in this book his love for life, for people and his homeland, Russia. He brings us back in time and describes specifically the Napoleonic campaign in Russia and while he does it he gives us a close up on the russian society with all it's problems.

Tolstoj deals with a big amount of arguments. From love to friendship; from hate to love; from the rich society to the poor one; from ambitions to power; from loyalty to scam; from philosophy to theology; from the inner crisis to science; from war to peace.


"E' vero, noi non sentiamo la nostra dipendenza ma, ammettendo la nostra libertà, arriviamo a un assurdo; ammettendo invece la nostra dipendenza dal mondo esterno, dal tempo e dalle cause giungiamo a formulare delle leggi”

Sono finalmente riuscita a portare a termine questo libro. Una vera e propria odissea, ove al posto delle sirene e mutanti mi sono dovuta imbattere in pagine di descrizioni interminabili. Ho sempre saputo che iniziare Guerra e Pace e portarlo a termine sarebbe stata un’impresa ardua, non tanto per il numero di pagine, avendo letto testi con maggior numero di pagine, ma piuttosto per la pesantezza di queste ultime.

Guerra e Pace è un testo che va letto ad una certa età. Questo è uno di quei testi che inevitabilmente ti lascia qualcosa dentro, sensazioni positive e negative. Questo testo, da solo, è in grado di darci una conoscenza dettagliata di fatti storici senza eguali. Essendo un amante della storia non potevo non apprezzare questo testo che appunto approfondisce tutti gli aspetti delle campagne napoleoniche in Russia.

Un romanzo a 360 gradi che affronta numerose tematiche: dall’amore all’amicizia; dalla lotta interiore alla filosofia; dalla società alla vita rurale; dalla ricchezza alla povertà; dalla teologia alla scienza; dalla guerra alla pace.

"… col pretesto di edificare il tempio di Salomone, cercavano di distruggere il tempio della loro patria”

Un testo davvero unico, un testo che andrebbe letto almeno una volta nella vita. Io purtroppo non sono riuscita ad apprezzarlo appieno e per questo penso che un giorno lo dovrò rileggerlo.

Non posso essere ipocrita, il prima 80% è stato letto senza interruzioni ma il successivo 20% è stato davvero pesante. Ho interrotto questo testo numerose volte, e ci sono voluti anni per portarlo a termine. Ho dovuto saltare alcune pagine, ricche di descrizione e molto noiose, per giungere a parti più interessanti e proseguire. Mi dispiaccio terribilmente perché a mio avviso saltare anche una sola pagina di un testo equivale a non averlo letto appieno, ma non potevo fare altrimenti. Questo è un altro motivo per cui un giorno dovrò rileggerlo.

Tolstoj ci trasporta in una Russia intoccabile, i cui equilibri vengono messi duramente alla prova con la comparsa sulla scena europea di un piccolo grande stratega, un conquistatore, Napoleone Bonaparte. La precisione con cui Tolstoj descrive le vicende belliche sembra quasi trascinarci indietro nel tempo. Ci ritroviamo testimoni dei numerosi incendi, bombardamenti, lotte e morti che caratterizzarono quelle campagne. Attraverso la storia di alcune famiglie, come quelle dei Rostov e Bolkonsij, Tolstoj ci da un quadro preciso della società russa e dell’uomo in genere.

In questo testo vi sono lunghe analisi storiche, filosofiche, religiose, morali.. etc. L’io che viene messo in discussione, la scienza come risposta ai misteri della fede, la lotta interiore che trova sollievo nella scienza, amori infantili, un tempo considerati eterni, che mutano, amori distrutti per tentazioni momentanee, azioni fanciullesche in grado di rovinare carriere e reputazione, pettegolezzi bisbigliati tra filosofi e matrone, i lussi di una società in decadenza, l’egoismo di uomini ambiziosi, gesta di giovani eroi, pianti di madri infrante dal dolore, sangue di giovani soldati, lacrime di gioia di donne innamorate, il perdono in punto di morte, la pace interiore da sempre in forte lotta con la guerra che circonda l’essere umano.

Un testo senza precedenti.

“In ogni azione considerata noi vediamo una certa parte di libertà e una certa parte di necessità. E’ sempre, quanta più libertà vediamo in un’azione qualsiasi, tanto meno vi vediamo la necessità; e quanto maggiore è la necessità, tanto minore è la libertà. Il rapporto della libertà con la necessità aumenta e diminuisce a seconda del punto di vista da cui consideriamo l’azione; ma questo rapporto rimane sempre inversamente proporzionale.”


The Stars Never Rise - Rachel Vincent



What a surprisingly pleasant read this was. This book wasn’t perfect but it’s plot sure hell was original. The author embroidered her plot with exquisite details that just arouse you to keep reading till you reach the last page!


This is a fast-paced book that you are going to have a hard time putting down. And when you get to the end you’re GOING TO BE eager to know more. So I’m surely going to read its sequel. There are a lot of questions and I can’t wait for them to be revealed.

I’ve never read anything of this author’s but I think I’m going to amend.


Like I said the most amazing thing about this book was it’soriginality. I’ve read many fantasies, mostly ya, but never something this twisted and mind blowing. When you read the plot and you see that the Church is ruling the world you get wrapped up in curiosity.


Can’t help admiring this author for taking such a taboo argument, like the church, and using it to create a fascinating YA fantasy.


While reading I felt like I was thrown back in time, during the first crusade, during the dark ages. The truth untold and mostly masked, the sins, the tithe and so much more has marked the church trough history. Well in this book there are punished sins, tithes, obedience, ignorance that keeps the civilians at bay. That alone is mind blowing!


Now let’s take a step back otherwise I’m going to sound confusing. This book is about a world, our world set in the future, ruled by the church, the Unified Church, and it’s main job is to make sure that the poor civilians get to live a sinless life. They also want to guarantee the survival of human race since it’s future is threatened by demons.


Demons. If you stand against the Unified Church [spoiler] you’re considered a demon, if you try to fight demons… you get sent to the gallows where exorcists free you from the demon inside, throwing holly water and burning your soul. A shocking truth that leaves us, and the main character, Nina, speechless! [spoiler]


Well we have demons on one side, with it’s degenerates (demons who have possessed a human body for so long, not getting the chance to change host, that they degenerate), and the Unified Church on the other side. [spoiler] What happens when they both stand on the same side? What happens when what your fighting against is actually your own survival? [spoiler]


I think this series has a lot of potential and can only improve. It’s characters, main and secondary, are well developed and can become even more amazing. I didn’t really love the main heroine, Nina, since at times she pissed me off. Other then her love for her sister, her personality was at times childish and annoying… but she kind of grows during through out the book. Well she is forced to once the truth is out and she discovers who she really is. And at the end we start to like her, so there is some potential there. She can become a real kick-ass heroine.


Okay I’m going to end this review saying that the love part surprised me. Finn. I thought I got things figured out at the beginning but I was startled to find out the truth. I never ever read anything like that. And that’s the main reason I want to read the sequel, I want to know how things are going to work out!


At the end this was a Great Read and I recommend it to all ya fantasies lovers and not ^^


Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor

descriptionPicture11 - Copia

Source: http://teryna90.wordpress.com/2015/05/11/days-of-blood-and-starlight-by-laini-taylor

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas

If you loved Crown of Midnight you are going to love this book.

If you are a fan of THE BEAUTY AND BEAST you're going to find yourself falling for this book, hard real hard. You know when you finish a book and still think about it? Well this book isn't perfect but it surely is one of those.

This is in fact a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast. Sarah J. Maas took a marvelous fairytale and transformed it in so much more. It's not just a romantic tale of how a "human" falls in love with a beastly Fae, but how that love can shatter a realm or save it.


I love Sarah's style, her world building is always so precise and full of details. She drags you in this wonderful world where you actually get to live. I've seen her style become more vivid, more detailed, more precise, more captivating with her Throne of Glass series. I think she'll do the same with this series. The first book is more about the falling in love, the sacrifice, the truth being told... the next books are going to either shatter our hearts or make it pounce and dance of joy. We'll just have to wait... a whole year!!!


Now here is a good question: If I loved this book Soooooo much why did I give it 4 stars?>

- Well after reading Heir of Fire I must admit I was expecting just a bit more.

- I loved Feyre, but at times she acted like an immature... always putting her mortal life at risk.

- I loved Tamlin, really, really loved him (I'm going to talk about him in a sec) but he could have shown his love in a certain situation (you'll know once you read the book) even though his strength for the one he loved was admirable. I wanted a bit more ^^

- I loved the romance, but not many feels... I wanted my heart to stop just the way it did with Chaol :/ (I don't want to compare the two series, but it's kind of inevitable)

Well as you can see nothing major but I'm saving my 5 stars for the next book, that I'm pretty sure will steal my heart like all Sarah's books.

(⊙.⊙) Oh and that ending?! It made my heart melt. Poor Feyre!!! I couldn't believe what was going on and what she had to endure... that while I was reading I was clenching my kindle so hard just to let the pain in my heart go away. That ending is going to have a major influence on Feyre. Everything is going to change. Let's hope not her feelings.

P.S. There is no cliffhanger, so if you're looking for a great book, with a great world building, with action and love mixing up THIS IS THE BOOK YOU MUST READ!



Look at the first picture. Of her and Tamlin and then look at the cover. That's our Feyre. With that tattoo!!! When you'll read you'll know what it means!!! #cantwaitforbooktwo

Human or not she is a kick ass heroine. She has the determination of an huntress and has the heart of an artist. I love art, so when I was reading all her descriptions I felt like I was watching the paintings, the murals and the amazing nature that rose around her.
She is an heroine that we either love or hate, and I must admit that at times I wanted to kick her, but everything she did… she did it for love. She sacrificed herself for HIM. Her true love.
Well I LOVED HER! I loved everything about her. She's also amusing, she made me smile and laugh often. But she also took my heart and made it melt.

"Though I supposed for Tamlin - for High Fae used to ethereal, flawless beauty - it HAD been a struggle to find a compliment. Faerie bastard"

"I would never be able to capture that - never be able to paint the feel and taste of him, no matter how many times I tried, no matter how many colors I used"



This is how I imagine Lucien with his red hair (not that red in this pic) and his metallic eye. HOT. HOT. HOT
Ohhh Lucien. <3
I fell in love with Lucien right away. Sarah has this way of making you love all her characters, probably because she writes with LOVE. Lucian is funny, harsh, faithful, amazing, handsome, a real friend. He's Tamlin emissary, a lost Lord, a Fae whose heart has been shattered. He is willing to risk his life for his loyal friend and for the freedom of the Spring Court's people.

Ohhhhh you'll love Lucien!!!


Rhysand... what to say! He is an antagonist, and what a hot antagonist. He turns out to be worst than we expected and better than we hoped. He is fascinating, intriguing, and he does all that he can to get under Tamlin's skin. Fyere at the beginning is just an expedient but then something changes.

There is so much more under that dark mask of his, can't wait to know more!

We will see what that last scene meant in the next book. Well we have a whole week every month to figure out Rhys and his twisted mind. I really like his character but I'm not rooting for him. Fyere risked her life and so much more for Tamlin, their love is so pure that I couldn't stand something growing between her and Rhys (I know a lot of you aren't with me... but the heart wants what it wants).


Well that's exactly how I imagine my HIGH LORD! With his golden hair and bright green eyes! Tamlin! I wanted so much more, more flirting, more bickering, but everything was perfect!He was perfect. There is one scene that just shattered my heart. He demonstrated his pure love for her by bowing and begging. In that scene I fell in love with him, his bowing was a real demonstration of power: the power of love.
He isn't ashamed to bow his head for the love of his life, or either beg when there is nothing left. His cold stoned heart makes our little human one beat. Beat fast. All for him. I want more!!!


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas


If you loved Crown of Midnight you are going to love this book.

If you are a fan of THE BEAUTY AND BEAST you're going to find yourself falling for this book, hard real hard. You know when you finish a book and still think about it? Well this book isn't perfect but it surely is one of those.

This is in fact a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast. Sarah J. Maas took a marvelous fairytale and transformed it in so much more. It's not just a romantic tale of how a "human" falls in love with a beastly Fae, but how that love can shatter a realm or save it.


I love Sarah's style, her world building is always so precise and full of details. She drags you in this wonderful world where you actually get to live. I've seen her style become more vivid, more detailed, more precise, more captivating with her Throne of Glass series. I think she'll do the same with this series. The first book is more about the falling in love, the sacrifice, the truth being told... the next books are going to either shatter our hearts or make it pounce and dance of joy. We'll just have to wait... a whole year!!!


Now here is a good question: If I loved this book Soooooo much why did I give it 4 stars?>

- Well after reading Heir of Fire I must admit I was expecting just a bit more.

- I loved Feyre, but at times she acted like an immature... always putting her mortal life at risk.

- I loved Tamlin, really, really loved him (I'm going to talk about him in a sec) but he could have shown his love in a certain situation (you'll know once you read the book) even though his strength for the one he loved was admirable. I wanted a bit more ^^

- I loved the romance, but not many feels... I wanted my heart to stop just the way it did with Chaol :/ (I don't want to compare the two series, but it's kind of inevitable)

Well as you can see nothing major but I'm saving my 5 stars for the next book, that I'm pretty sure will steal my heart like all Sarah's books.

(⊙.⊙) Oh and that ending?! It made my heart melt. Poor Feyre!!! I couldn't believe what was going on and what she had to endure... that while I was reading I was clenching my kindle so hard just to let the pain in my heart go away. That ending is going to have a major influence on Feyre. Everything is going to change. Let's hope not her feelings.

P.S. There is no cliffhanger, so if you're looking for a great book, with a great world building, with action and love mixing up THIS IS THE BOOK YOU MUST READ!



Look at the first picture. Of her and Tamlin and then look at the cover. That's our Feyre. With that tattoo!!! When you'll read you'll know what it means!!! #cantwaitforbooktwo

Human or not she is a kick ass heroine. She has the determination of an huntress and has the heart of an artist. I love art, so when I was reading all her descriptions I felt like I was watching the paintings, the murals and the amazing nature that rose around her.
She is an heroine that we either love or hate, and I must admit that at times I wanted to kick her, but everything she did… she did it for love. She sacrificed herself for HIM. Her true love.
Well I LOVED HER! I loved everything about her. She's also amusing, she made me smile and laugh often. But she also took my heart and made it melt.

"Though I supposed for Tamlin - for High Fae used to ethereal, flawless beauty - it HAD been a struggle to find a compliment. Faerie bastard"

"I would never be able to capture that - never be able to paint the feel and taste of him, no matter how many times I tried, no matter how many colors I used"



This is how I imagine Lucien with his red hair (not that red in this pic) and his metallic eye. HOT. HOT. HOT
Ohhh Lucien. <3
I fell in love with Lucien right away. Sarah has this way of making you love all her characters, probably because she writes with LOVE. Lucian is funny, harsh, faithful, amazing, handsome, a real friend. He's Tamlin emissary, a lost Lord, a Fae whose heart has been shattered. He is willing to risk his life for his loyal friend and for the freedom of the Spring Court's people.

Ohhhhh you'll love Lucien!!!


Rhysand... what to say! He is an antagonist, and what a hot antagonist. He turns out to be worst than we expected and better than we hoped. He is fascinating, intriguing, and he does all that he can to get under Tamlin's skin. Fyere at the beginning is just an expedient but then something changes.

There is so much more under that dark mask of his, can't wait to know more!

We will see what that last scene meant in the next book. Well we have a whole week every month to figure out Rhys and his twisted mind. I really like his character but I'm not rooting for him. Fyere risked her life and so much more for Tamlin, their love is so pure that I couldn't stand something growing between her and Rhys (I know a lot of you aren't with me... but the heart wants what it wants).


Well that's exactly how I imagine my HIGH LORD! With his golden hair and bright green eyes! Tamlin! I wanted so much more, more flirting, more bickering, but everything was perfect!He was perfect. There is one scene that just shattered my heart. He demonstrated his pure love for her by bowing and begging. In that scene I fell in love with him, his bowing was a real demonstration of power: the power of love.
He isn't ashamed to bow his head for the love of his life, or either beg when there is nothing left. His cold stoned heart makes our little human one beat. Beat fast. All for him. I want more!!!



A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas

If you loved [b:Crown of Midnight|21996232|Crown of Midnight|Sarah J. Maas|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1407773496s/21996232.jpg|21581860] you are going to love this book.

If you are a fan of THE BEAUTY AND BEAST you're going to find yourself falling for this book, hard real hard. You know when you finish a book and still think about it? Well this book isn't perfect but it surely is one of those.

This is in fact a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast. [a:Sarah J. Maas|3433047|Sarah J. Maas|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1269281353p2/3433047.jpg] took a marvelous fairytale and transformed it in so much more. It's not just a romantic tale of how a "human" falls in love with a beastly Fae, but how that love can shatter a realm or save it.


I love Sarah's style, her world building is always so precise and full of details. She drags you in this wonderful world where you actually get to live. I've seen her style become more vivid, more detailed, more precise, more captivating with her [b:Throne of Glass|16034235|Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)|Sarah J. Maas|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1419066050s/16034235.jpg|11138426] series. I think she'll do the same with this series. The first book is more about the falling in love, the sacrifice, the truth being told... the next books are going to either shatter our hearts or make it pounce and dance of joy. We'll just have to wait... a whole year!!!


Now here is a good question: If I loved this book Soooooo much why did I give it 4 stars?</>

- Well after reading Heir of Fire I must admit I was expecting just a bit more.

- I loved Feyre, but at times she acted like an immature... always putting her mortal life at risk.

- I loved Tamlin, really, really loved him (I'm going to talk about him in a sec) but he could have shown his love in a certain situation (you'll know once you read the book) even though his strength for the one he loved was admirable. I wanted a bit more ^^

- I loved the romance, but not many feels... I wanted my heart to stop just the way it did with Chaol :/ (I don't want to compare the two series, but it's kind of inevitable)

Well as you can see nothing major but I'm saving my 5 stars for the next book, that I'm pretty sure will steal my heart like all Sarah's books.

(⊙.⊙) Oh and that ending?! It made my heart melt. Poor Feyre!!! I couldn't believe what was going on and what she had to endure... that while I was reading I was clenching my kindle so hard just to let the pain in my heart go away. That ending is going to have a major influence on Feyre. Everything is going to change.
Let's hope not her feelings.

P.S. There is no cliffhanger, so if you're looking for a great book, with a great world building, with action and love mixing up THIS IS THE BOOK YOU MUST READ!



Look at the first picture. Of her and Tamlin and then look at the cover. That's our Feyre. With that tattoo!!! When you'll read you'll know what it means!!! #cantwaitforbooktwo

Human or not she is a kick ass heroine. She has the determination of an huntress and has the heart of an artist. I love art, so when I was reading all her descriptions I felt like I was watching the paintings, the murals and the amazing nature that rose around her.
She is an heroine that we either love or hate, and I must admit that at times I wanted to kick her, but everything she did… she did it for love. She sacrificed herself for HIM. Her true love.
Well I LOVED HER! I loved everything about her. She's also amusing, she made me smile and laugh often. But she also took my heart and made it melt.

"Though I supposed for Tamlin - for High Fae used to ethereal, flawless beauty - it HAD been a struggle to find a compliment. Faerie bastard"

"I would never be able to capture that - never be able to paint the feel and taste of him, no matter how many times I tried, no matter how many colors I used"



This is how I imagine Lucien with his red hair (not that red in this pic) and his metallic eye. HOT. HOT. HOT
Ohhh Lucien. <3</b>
I fell in love with Lucien right away. Sarah has this way of making you love all her characters, probably because she writes with LOVE. Lucian is funny, harsh, faithful, amazing, handsome, a real friend. He's Tamlin emissary, a lost Lord, a Fae whose heart has been shattered. He is willing to risk his life for his loyal friend and for the freedom of the Spring Court's people.

Ohhhhh you'll love Lucien!!!

Rhysand... what to say! He is an antagonist, and what a hot antagonist. He turns out to be worst than we expected and better than we hoped. He is fascinating, intriguing, and he does all that he can to get under Tamlin's skin. Fyere at the beginning is just an expedient but then something changes.

There is so much more under that dark mask of his, can't wait to know more!

We will see what that last scene meant in the next book. Well we have a whole week every month to figure out Rhys and his twisted mind. I really like his character but I'm not rooting for him. Fyere risked her life and so much more for Tamlin, their love is so pure that I couldn't stand something growing between her and Rhys (I know a lot of you aren't with me... but the heart wants what it wants).


Well that's exactly how I imagine my HIGH LORD! With his golden hair and bright green eyes! Tamlin! I wanted so much more, more flirting, more bickering, but everything was perfect! He was perfect. There is one scene that just shattered my heart. He demonstrated his pure love for her by bowing and begging. In that scene I fell in love with him, his bowing was a real demonstration of power: the power of love.
He isn't ashamed to bow his head for the love of his life, or either beg when there is nothing left. His cold stoned heart makes our little human one beat. Beat fast. All for him. I want more!!!


Curran POV Collection

Curran POV Collection - Gordon Andrews I really enjoyed all the short stories. And I really loved Curran's POV.

His jealousy, his falling in love. I would have loved to read more... but who knows maybe there is going to be more for the fans.

Oh... the Lord of all Lords! What a gentleman even if his are sharp teeth and his claw could rip your heart out in a heart beat.

P.S. I loved reading about how Curran found out about Kate's father, his determination to be with her against all odds was enchanting!!! <3 <br/>
P.P.S. Curran's thoughts are incredibly funny... it's all plus when it comes to him!

"Here, Kitty, Kitty"

And guess what Curran the little mouse got you in the mouse trap ^^

Magic Bleeds

Magic Bleeds -  Ilona Andrews

I just found this picture on deviantart, it's artist is: ichan-again. Isn't it amazing???

There is a new member in the family. She is small and needy, and she's keeping me really occupied. I've finished this book the other day but I couldn't find a minute to write down a decent or at least a readable review.

By the way, she's a bull terrier puppy ^^. When I want to read she wants to grab my kindle and play, well we have to work things out, ahaha.

Okay. Now let's talk about this book.

People this series is a crescendo. A big one. Just when I thought "oh you can't fall more in love with this series" I was gladly contradicted. There is another surprisingly thing that happened while reading this book, I shed some tears. I knew how things were going to end, but still I couldn't help myself.

In this book we get to meet one of Kate's wicked/homicidal family member, her beloved aunt, Roland's sister. Erra.

Myth and action mix up in an amazing chapter. This one is surely one of my fav, but there are still so many books and novellas to this series that it would be reductive to start talking about best books.

Now I must go, otherwise Giulia is going to take down my house with her little teeth.

P.S. Let me just say that I need a Beast Lord. (Did I ever admit that I'm NOT really into shift shapers?) Well Curran you changed that and are surely the best man/Lion ever. I'm in love with you but I'm also rooting for you and Kate! Sooo I'll back off, lol.

Yep, those two are just awesome.

Let me just say. Fighting/kissing/sex scene! And all the lights are off and the heat is really up!

"I love you" I told him. "You said you would always come for me. I need you now. Come back to me. Please, come back to me."

Magic Strikes

Magic Strikes -  Ilona Andrews For those who haven't read this series, it's time you do! This series is amazing. If you get past book one, that is indeed the only book not worthy, you'll find yourself thrown in this magic world, full of action, amazing characters and a great spicy hot love story.

This book is like a drug addiction! Do you know what a drug addiction is? No? Me neither, lol. So I'll actually use another metaphor.


In this book more things are revealed and we get to feel so many emotions! Feels. Really it's all about the feels. A love story, that is not the main theme of the book, that makes your heart melt and beat faster is so worth reading! And even if I'm a romantic, I didn't fall in love with this series only for the love part, there is so much more.

In this book we get to fall in love with Kate, Curran and Darek. So many things happen and Darek finds himself involved, and well everyone trying to help him out and save the world also find themselves involved. Yep, and he have this big fight in an arena. Yes, arena. While reading the action parts I felt like I was like watching a Marvel movie. Amazing, cool, breathtaking.

Kate opens up so much more. We get to know her more and we get to see her falling for our beautiful Beast Lord! And she just doesn't like that, how could she? Well we surely do!!! There are some hot parts that just get you hooked to the book! Well you should actually read this book to figure out!!!

Then you can tell me if I'm right or wrong! ^^

Magic Burns

Magic Burns -  Ilona Andrews

If you read my review of [b:Magic Bites|38619|Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)|Ilona Andrews|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1331612872s/38619.jpg|38381] you know that I didn't particularly fall in love with Kate nor the book. Well Ilona Andrews you did it. You took my skepticism and turned it in to pure love.

Yes. I'm in love with this series. I'm going to start book three as soon as I finish this review! This series is full of potential and a great deal of promise!

The main character, Kate, grows so much. Her personality develops and we find ourselves falling for her. We get to know her deepest thoughts and her biggest fears. We get to have a new vision of her life, so lonely and her pure and committed heart. She is still one the coolest kick-ass heroines I've read of, her big mouth didn't make me laugh much in Magic Bites, but that also changed.I found myself smiling and laughing and wanting more.


So much action, and less body parts shattered in a blood carpet (thank goodness). There is still a lot of precise descriptions, but they didn't bother me much. I actually enjoyed it in a macabre way. Well when you read about bad guys getting killed and cut out in so many pieces you just cannot not enjoy the descriptions.

Like I said there is action. A lot. That's a plus but there are some flaws, like in Magic Bites there are many things unsaid, and that makes some things hard to figure out at first. Many things are taken for granted, and a times things move way to fast. But once you catch up, you just get captured and thrown on the best roller coaster ride you've ever been on, and from which you never want to get off!

The plot gets more complex, and there is a lot of mythology. More secrets are revealed and new characters are introduced. Some we won't, unfortunately, ever see again. And they surely left a mark in our hearts.

If you read the book, you know who I'm talking about.

Others we will surely read about in book three. Julie. Andrea. Raphael. And I know they will be capable of warming up our hearts.

Okay, okay... now lets get to the feels!!! The beast lord just made my heart melt so many times, in such a good way! I love him!!!

The bickering between Curran and Kate is awesome!

There is one scene that, when explained later on, just made my heart race so fast that it could have hosted a Formula 1 race! The soup scene. Yeah, how can a soup scene make a heart skip??? Well add a hot male figure and you'll obtain practically the hottest scene. With Curran everything is possible. He makes us drool and we enjoy it ohhhh so very much!


The tension and hatred between these two is getting hot! The temperature is getting high and I can't wait to see what will bring them back together in book three!!! Oh man, Why don't I go now and figure it out!?!




Cracked - Eliza Crewe description.
I surely have a weakness when it comes to bad heroines… I’m kind of tired of good o goody miss perfect, always doing the right thing at the right time, always saying the right thing that lights your spirit and so on… Aren’t you???
Meda is everything a bad heroine should be and so much more, because deep inside she has a lovely heart. But like I said she isn’t “good”, she says what she thinks without really caring of hurting others, since her biggest concern is her safety. Yes, for her own safety she is willing to tag along the Crusaders and pretending to be a good girl. Oh and when she is asked to pretend to be bad? Just hilarious.

I mean… she is a bad girl pretending to be a good girl that has to pretend to be a bad ass bitch! That is just fucking mind blowing. I loved her POV. She made me laugh, smile and laugh again.

“Good God, children. Can we focus on what’s important? Me”

Well this book isn’t just funny, but it’s well written and the plot is pretty amusing. It’s not a five star book because something is surely missing, but I think the next book is going to just step up the latter and take this saga to a whole new level.
At the ending of the book we find out so many things, many secrets are revealed and some tears get out willingly. I adored reading this book. It just got me in relaxing mode and got me laughing a lot! And that’s something I always look forward to.

Meda is a half demon, half Crusader, half human! That alone is a reason to read this book to find out how she manages to have a personality! Then there is also a love story. Not really heart melting but still really enjoyable. It’s not hard to figure out how things are going to work out between Jo and Chi, but still… reading about them and their quarrels was kind of amusing. So I guess we can add that to the many reasons why this book is just GREAT.

And then there is a promise… Armand Delacroix. As soon as I read about him I was already drooling all over myself. So can’t wait to see how that ends up. ^^

The Winner's Curse

The Winner's Curse - Marie Rutkoski description


La regina Margot

La regina Margot - Paolo Tortonese, Maria Dazzi, Alexandre Dumas description

Ho iniziato questo libro circa un anno fa... ed ahimè se ci ho messo tanto per terminarlo. L'ho interrotto e ripreso innumerevoli volte. Purtroppo non sono riuscita ad instaurare un rapporto d'amore immediato con questo testo come per tutti gli altri testi di Dumas, che a mio avviso è uno dei più grandi scrittori mai esistiti.

Penso che il problema sia stato sostanzialmente uno. Conoscevo già la storia. Essendo un'amante della storia, in particolar modo della storia moderna, conoscevo ogni minimo dettaglio della salita al potere di Enrico, marito di Margherita. Conoscevo la triste sorte legata all'amante di lei, e ciò ha reso anche la parte romantica meno intrigante.

Purtroppo non sono riuscita ad apprezzare questo testo. La prima metà del libro era abbastanza interessante, i vari intrighi, le varie manipolazioni ed avvelenamenti della regina madre Caterina mi hanno tenuta incollata al libro per un po'... ma poi successivamente ho iniziato a provare una certa noia per tutti i personaggi.

Mi dispiace Dumas, sul serio... perché ho dovuto saltare alcune pagine e leggere rapidamente alcuni capitoli pur di giungere alla fine e terminare questo libro, che non potevo non terminare. Un libro di Dumas non terminato è come lasciare bruciare lo zucchero più del dovuto, ottenendo come effetto un caramello bruciato. -.-

Okay è un po' tardi quindi non so più che diavolo scrivo, so solo che mi dispiace terribilmente. Avrei voluto amare questo libro ma non è andata così. Comunque nonostante tutto non posso fare a meno di dare 3.5 stelle a questo libro perché so perfettamente che l'unico motivo per cui non l'ho amato è legato a me ed alla conoscenza dei fatti.

Lo stile di Dumas come sempre è sorprendente, le vicende narrate in maniera accattivante, gli intrighi resi ancor più piccanti, le parti romanzate sempre strepitose, le lotte sempre mozzafiato. Beh che dire... stiamo parlando comunque di Alexandre Dumas. Un nome. Una garanzia. In questo testo egli riesce ad amalgamare perfettamente la finzione alla storiografia e lui è uno dei pochi nella storia della letteratura in grado di eccedere in questo.

Into the Still Blue

Into the Still Blue - Veronica Rossi

That's exactly how I feel right now!
I'm having a really hard time rating this book since I struggled to get past the last half of the book. I tried, oh how I've tried to like this book.


I tried three times, the first time I thought it was because of me, because I was going trough a stressful moment do to the university, so I put it on hold for a better time.

The second time I picked up hoping that I was wrong, that the book was going to be at least a good read, just like the first two, well after finding it really boring I decided to put it a part for some time.

The third time I just had to finish it, so I started reading from where I left off... and started finding so many flaws that I just kept sighing. I wasn't liking it and I figured that it wasn't do to me anymore. Something was broken. I tried, like I said, to glue back all the pieces, to stitch back the parts, to tape back all the emotions that I had felt for the first two books... but that didn't work. Sometimes when something is broken there just isn't anything left to do but accept the fact that that broken thing will never be like before.


I'm so sorry. I really am pissed at myself because I wanted to find this book amazing and not lame. It's like the author has given her pen or laptop to some other author. A whole different author that just pulled me far and farther away from the characters that I had learned to love. I'm not going to write down all the things that were on my advice way to lame, or the cheesy parts that I didn't appreciate, or the auto destructive person Roar had become (it was way to forced, and I really didn't like it).


I'm giving this book 3 stars because at the end I really did enjoy this saga. I liked [b:Under the Never Sky|11594257|Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1)|Veronica Rossi|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356591725s/11594257.jpg|15093785], I adored [b:Through the Ever Night|13253276|Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2)|Veronica Rossi|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1340892848s/13253276.jpg|18454415]. Then there is also Roar and Liv that made me smile in their novella. So I can't give this saga less then four stars.

This saga made me smile, laugh, and unfortunately also sigh. But it's okay I think deep down I'll always remember Roar, Perry and Aria.

When It Rains

When It Rains - Lisa De Jong
"When it rains, Kate. Remember me."

3.5 stars

-There may be some spoilers-

I'm having a really hard time deciding on how to rate this book. There were many times when I felt so close to the main character, Kate. Other times I was so pissed with the author, and not in a good/attached way.

I'm going to start out with the things I did NOT like about this book, things that are making the rating really hard.

Before I start to list out the no's, it's important that I clear out my point of view. I love reading, I love love stories and I don't have a big problem with weak main heroines, that generally have had a really bad lifetime experience. But I get really annoyed when every new adult that I open up has that main theme.

I don't want to be judgmental, that's not my intention because at the end I enjoyed this book... And it also made me shed a couple of tears.

Like I said I don't have a problem with abuse. They are indeed the main background in which many female heroines of new adult are immersed. But if you take the abuse and add up a dying character I can't help but getting pissed. I've said this sooooooo many times, that it probably sounds annoying... I know bad things happen. I mean real bad things... Things that you'd give anything to erase from your mind, your soul and your heart. That said I think many readers have felt at least once pissed after reading another love story with an abuse and a death... and all those expedients that sell a lot.

I just wanted to relax. I wanted a fast-paced book.

... But I found myself reading a heartbreaking book. With another abuse and another person dying. Death cause? Cancer.

I think I must start searching books Cancer free, or maybe this is not the right time. I want books that make me smile, laugh, think, dream, love and also cry. But not think of all the bad sh...t out there. I live near the center of Naples, I live in the heart of a place called "La terra dei fuochi". In the last 20 years cancer death's have risen to 200%. When I read it I was asking myself what that meant. 200%??? I mean is there a number after 100%???

I've seen a lot of people leave this world thanks to that evil... so that's probably the main reason why the cancer expedient pisses me off.

When I figured out what was going on I sighed. Couldn't help it. And I couldn't stop myself from crying. I got mad at this author because she used this expedient and crushed my heart.

But at the end I can't say that I didn't like this book. This book is about hope and never letting go. This book is about life. A real life anthem. This book is about taking all the bad memories and transforming them in good memories. Bad memories never go away. This book is about cherishing the people we love, the moments we live.

There were parts where I could really understand Kate, others where I just wanted to shake her. I firmly believe that there are some things that we aren't capable of handling alone. We must never be ashamed of asking for help. Asking for help is the most honorable thing to do... to keep living, to keep smiling.

Well I guess I kind of put down the bad points and the good ones not even pointing them out. So I guess the best rating is still 3.5 stars. I really liked the love part, the ending... even tough it hurt. There are so many things that I loved and hated so I'm just going to stop.

"How do you remember everything?"
"I don't ... I just remember everything about you"

"I want to know what it is that made you cry, but more than that, I want to know what I have to do to make you happy"


Radiance - Grace Draven I'm sorry, I tried to like this book but it just got boring all of a sudden. I love fantasies and most of all I love romance, put the two together and you just made me happy. Well not this the case. I don't know... something was totally missing, I didn't mind the Beauty and the beast expedient, I mean it could have really worked, but it didn't for me.

Sorry, I needed to skip a lot of pages just to get to the end. Don't feel like giving it less then two stars since the 40% of the book wasn't that bad. The style was pleasant and I just couldn't wait for the story between the two to evolve in something more. Well that also disappointed me.

Oh well, probably it's just me and this book with it's world building is actually pretty good... who knows???

Feel kind of bad...

I could have liked it...

But... naaaaaa

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