Magic Burns

If you read my review of [b:Magic Bites|38619|Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)|Ilona Andrews|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1331612872s/38619.jpg|38381] you know that I didn't particularly fall in love with Kate nor the book. Well Ilona Andrews you did it. You took my skepticism and turned it in to pure love.
Yes. I'm in love with this series. I'm going to start book three as soon as I finish this review! This series is full of potential and a great deal of promise!
The main character, Kate, grows so much. Her personality develops and we find ourselves falling for her. We get to know her deepest thoughts and her biggest fears. We get to have a new vision of her life, so lonely and her pure and committed heart. She is still one the coolest kick-ass heroines I've read of, her big mouth didn't make me laugh much in Magic Bites, but that also changed.I found myself smiling and laughing and wanting more.
So much action, and less body parts shattered in a blood carpet (thank goodness). There is still a lot of precise descriptions, but they didn't bother me much. I actually enjoyed it in a macabre way. Well when you read about bad guys getting killed and cut out in so many pieces you just cannot not enjoy the descriptions.
Like I said there is action. A lot. That's a plus but there are some flaws, like in Magic Bites there are many things unsaid, and that makes some things hard to figure out at first. Many things are taken for granted, and a times things move way to fast. But once you catch up, you just get captured and thrown on the best roller coaster ride you've ever been on, and from which you never want to get off!
The plot gets more complex, and there is a lot of mythology. More secrets are revealed and new characters are introduced. Some we won't, unfortunately, ever see again. And they surely left a mark in our hearts.
If you read the book, you know who I'm talking about.
Others we will surely read about in book three. Julie. Andrea. Raphael. And I know they will be capable of warming up our hearts.
Okay, okay... now lets get to the feels!!! The beast lord just made my heart melt so many times, in such a good way! I love him!!!
The bickering between Curran and Kate is awesome!
There is one scene that, when explained later on, just made my heart race so fast that it could have hosted a Formula 1 race! The soup scene. Yeah, how can a soup scene make a heart skip??? Well add a hot male figure and you'll obtain practically the hottest scene. With Curran everything is possible. He makes us drool and we enjoy it ohhhh so very much!
The tension and hatred between these two is getting hot! The temperature is getting high and I can't wait to see what will bring them back together in book three!!! Oh man, Why don't I go now and figure it out!?!