What a surprisingly pleasant read this was. This book wasn’t perfect but it’s plot sure hell was original. The author embroidered her plot with exquisite details that just arouse you to keep reading till you reach the last page!
This is a fast-paced book that you are going to have a hard time putting down. And when you get to the end you’re GOING TO BE eager to know more. So I’m surely going to read its sequel. There are a lot of questions and I can’t wait for them to be revealed.
I’ve never read anything of this author’s but I think I’m going to amend.
Like I said the most amazing thing about this book was it’soriginality. I’ve read many fantasies, mostly ya, but never something this twisted and mind blowing. When you read the plot and you see that the Church is ruling the world you get wrapped up in curiosity.
Can’t help admiring this author for taking such a taboo argument, like the church, and using it to create a fascinating YA fantasy.
While reading I felt like I was thrown back in time, during the first crusade, during the dark ages. The truth untold and mostly masked, the sins, the tithe and so much more has marked the church trough history. Well in this book there are punished sins, tithes, obedience, ignorance that keeps the civilians at bay. That alone is mind blowing!
Now let’s take a step back otherwise I’m going to sound confusing. This book is about a world, our world set in the future, ruled by the church, the Unified Church, and it’s main job is to make sure that the poor civilians get to live a sinless life. They also want to guarantee the survival of human race since it’s future is threatened by demons.
Demons. If you stand against the Unified Church [spoiler] you’re considered a demon, if you try to fight demons… you get sent to the gallows where exorcists free you from the demon inside, throwing holly water and burning your soul. A shocking truth that leaves us, and the main character, Nina, speechless! [spoiler]
Well we have demons on one side, with it’s degenerates (demons who have possessed a human body for so long, not getting the chance to change host, that they degenerate), and the Unified Church on the other side. [spoiler] What happens when they both stand on the same side? What happens when what your fighting against is actually your own survival? [spoiler]
I think this series has a lot of potential and can only improve. It’s characters, main and secondary, are well developed and can become even more amazing. I didn’t really love the main heroine, Nina, since at times she pissed me off. Other then her love for her sister, her personality was at times childish and annoying… but she kind of grows during through out the book. Well she is forced to once the truth is out and she discovers who she really is. And at the end we start to like her, so there is some potential there. She can become a real kick-ass heroine.
Okay I’m going to end this review saying that the love part surprised me. Finn. I thought I got things figured out at the beginning but I was startled to find out the truth. I never ever read anything like that. And that’s the main reason I want to read the sequel, I want to know how things are going to work out!
At the end this was a Great Read and I recommend it to all ya fantasies lovers and not ^^