Teryna90 BookLover

You can follow me on - I'm new at this so I'll try to update as much as I can ^^ :


I have many passions but my two biggest ones are Art and Literature. Just give me a book and you'll make me the happiest persona alive! I look to bookchat so feel free to add me as a friend ^^ Venir catapultato in un mondo nuovo, inizialmente a te sconosciuto, fino a diventarne parte integrante... è una sensazione unica, indescrivibile.

Love*Com (Lovely*Complex), Volume 2

Love*Com (Lovely*Complex), Volume 2 - Aya Nakahara 3.5 stars ^^ it's getting better... there are some parts where the difference seems more awful then other times, lol. But the two of them are amazing, adorable and funny!

Love*Com (Lovely*Complex), Volume 1

Love*Com (Lovely*Complex), Volume 1 - Aya Nakahara I just adore reading Shojo manga :) I turn 14 all over again... this is one is really cute. I know and hope it will only get better!


Unteachable -  Leah Raeder After ten days I finally find the time to write this review.

No future and no past, only an endless now

I didn't fall in love with the book, but I didn't dislike it either. I really can't help it there are genres that are just not for me and erotica is certainly one of them. When I'm reading all the sex scenes I just can't help wanting to batter my head against the wall!

For me they're all the same... I just want to skip them! Well they're not really Alll the same, some things do change, but I'm a more emotional person so I get attached to the emotions that they're feeling and not the way their bodies move, again and again... Wow speaking like a Puritan, ahah kind of funny. I actually enjoy love books in which the characters actually do share an intense and passional moment but when you just fill blank pages with sex scenes I don't know, my interest just disappears.

Getting back to the story. The ending was so fairy talesh and everyone knows I just love fairy tales ending... but not this case! Really?!? Maybe part of a reason why I didn't like the ending much is that I just couldn't fall for the two characters. Evan and Maise. Actually I kind of hoped that things would change and that she would fall in love with her also wicked friend, Wesley.

I fell more emotions in their few scenes (Wesley and Maise's) than in the whole book. And I just couldn't get myself to like Maise... just couldn't. I have no problem with women that use their looks to get what they want, mostly when there is a screwed up past that they try to hide but that they eventually keep carrying around. Still... like I said I have no problem with women who find pleasure in other men's arms and warmth but it's kind of boring and annoying, a little self esteem and love for yourself, no???

There are many ways of resolving problems... and then when the main character just dislikes who she is and needs a man to find her inner self, well that just pisses me off! I know that Love can help! I've learned so much since I fell in love with my boyfriend, years ago, but still ... I already knew who I was, what I wanted and who I wanted to be and not be...

Okay. Stop. It's becoming a personal review ahahahhahahaha. Sorry

Well at the end it wasn't thatttttttt bad. I read it and got to the last chapter, and that alone means that I completely didn't dislike this book. So thats why I gave it 3 stars ^^ And then Maise actually surprises us choosing her future and her passion over the love of her life.

Good read and then at the end we actually take part in the growth of the three characters. In the lessons that can't be taught. Life is a big lesson and sometimes you just have to LIVE it and enjoy it and you'll find yourself learning day by day how to actually live. It's something that comes by itself and that can't be taught.

-It wasn't until later that I realized he'd hoped I'd say future. That's how you know someone loves you. When they want you to be happy even in the part of your life they'll never see-

-The thought of how much happiness lay scattered across the universe, unrealized, in fragments, waiting for the right twist of fate to bring it together-

"That's why. He let her go because he loved her"

"I never cry at movies" "Because you've never been in love"

"Guess I'm more romantic than you, then. I'd give up my future for true love"

My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories

My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories - Rainbow Rowell, Holly Black, Myra McEntire, Kiersten White, Stephanie Perkins, Laini Taylor, Gayle Forman, Matt de la Pena, Jenny Han, Ally Carter, Kelly Link, David Levithan Buddy read ^^


♥ Day 1 ♥
Midnights by Rainbow Rowell
★★★★ 4 stars ★★★★

"Dance with me"

Rowell has a tender way of making your heart melt with just a few pages. I've loved her story in Fangirl and I adored this short story. Christmas spirit and love equals to -> a lot of feels! Really really cute :)))
The love between Meg and Noel grows over the years, and we get to testimony it only on New Years eve. We get a first look on the way a very important anniversary of a friendship... becomes so much more!
It's funny how so many emotions can be felt in just a couple of words!


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♥ Day 2 ♥
The lady and the Fox by Kelly Link
★★★ 3 stars ★★★

Well it's Christmas so 3 stars... At first I was actually liking this short story, it was weird... and it felt very Grinch style... this man looking from outside while everyone else was inside having fun...
1.So option number one was... Grinch Style.

Not the case...

Then I was trying to find another meaning to what I was reading... something from Esopo's tale... something about having the good things right in front of you and wanting to go against the rules... So you chose the fox over the beautiful young boy waiting inside for you... boy that looks actually like the one outside...
2. Option number two I was thinking about a moral or something like that.

Not the case...

Then there is magic... okay... nothing against magic even though I didn't know that this wasn't a realistic story... but well one can use the Christmas atmosphere to make anything possible.

But still... if there is a moral, I'm sorry but I surely didn't get it. If there is something that my limited mind did not get well... can't help, that's the only one I've got!

I think that the only option accetable is that I just didn't get the story, or that there was nothing to get...

and that's why at the end I was actually like this ---


Well it wasn't a really bad read... just didn't get what I was reading. I knew there was a strange family, the Honeywell; this little boy, Daniel, that becomes a handsome boy and has no sense in the story; this strange mother that is in jail, and I don't know why she is there... something about being free and wild?; The mother of Daniel,Elspeth? What is she... who is she? She goes out with a younger man,,, could be Fenny's ...what???? Ice lady in the last scene?. Oh heck don't know.

And then there is Miranda and Fenny. dot dot dot dot... love, strange love, wild love, free love and the miracle of christmas! Thats all I can say.

"Such lovely snow!" Elspeth says. "Too bad it never lasts."


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Day 3
Angels in the Snow by Matt de la Pena
★★★★ 4 stars ★★★★

This story is about a young poor boy, Shy, alone and away from his family. Stuck in a city too big to feel alone and too crowded to feel loved. I really liked his POV and the cat ^^ .

A story about "taking chances" and "destiny". A story that makes you feel the strenght of "Christmas spirit"! A coincidence that brings and pushes two lonely young adults in getting to know each other... to the point of sharing an important event and wanting "more".

A really cute story, that made me smile often and also made me sad. I just wanted to bake muffins and more muffins and bring them to Shy! Haley was so adorable that I just liked her right away, same for Shy.

"...A small part of me might also be talking about marrying you."


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♥ Day 4 ♥
Polaris is where you'll find me by Jenny Han
★★ 2.5 stars ★★

Well, I guess it's done on purpose... a good story, and a Mehhhh story. This one was actually a mehhhh story even though at the beginning I was actually liking the North Pole life and a teenage "normal" girl crush on an elf. Well the ending was kind of ... what??? You just turn the page and it's over. After a kiss a name... and you just don't know how to consider the whole story and the ending.
Well... it was an okay read, could have been better.

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♥ Day 5 ♥
It's a Yuletide Miracle by Charlie Brown
★★★ 3.75 stars ★★★

That you still don't realize I'm willing to do anything, anything" ... "to stay in your company..."

Like I said... these stories are a real teeter tooter. You have a cute story and then a "mehh" story - not so great-, and viceversa...

This story was really cute. I really liked North and Merigold and the whole christmas spirit that they both created. Their bickering was also very cute and it made me smile often. Love, christmas, and kisses ^^


The cleaning up and re-organizing the spaces in order to fit the christmas tree! There is always a small place in our homes and in our hearts to embrace the "right spirit".

..... (¯`v´¯)♥
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♥ Day 6 ♥
Your Temporary Santa by David Levithan
★★ 2.5 stars ★★

Our home within his home. Our world within this world

Not a really bad read at all, but it just didn't get me... It was really okay and I wouldn't dare say it was a bad story but something was surely missing. The whole Santa dressing up story was cute, what wouldn't you do for the ones you love?
And then there is the happiness you feel in seeing the eyes of a child "shine" full of hope and faith that just makes your heart melt.
Could have been a much more adorable story. :o

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré Sono le scelte che facciamo, Harry, che dimostrano quel che siamo veramente, molto più delle nostre capacità.

E ti chiedi: "può una saga migliorare libro per libro?", e nonostante la certezza matematica dovuta alle numerose recensioni e discorsi fatti con amici e parenti amanti di HP, sai a prescindere in cuor tuo che la risposta è senz'altro SI!

Prima di iniziare la saga di Harry Potter in molti mi avevano detto che avrei trovato i primi tre libri un po' infantili e i restanti molto più maturi e spettacolari. Behhhhhh ecco cosa farei a quelle persone ...


I libri di Harry Potter non sono per bambini o per grandi, ma per tutti. Penso che se li avessi letti ad otto anni (cosa che ho fatto... beh solo il primo -> restando delusa... a causa della lingua in cui ero forzata a leggerlo - leggi recensione Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale) sarei rimasta comunque estasiata come ORA! Quindi ringrazio cordialmente tutti coloro che mi hanno spinto a leggerlo. Mia cugina Doris in particolare! <3 <br/>
Il messaggio morale celato dietro l'avventura ci permette di addentrarci in quest'ultima con una serie di domande a cui diamo risposte insieme all'autrice ed insieme alla nostra coscienza. Ecco perché farò leggere ai miei figli (un giorno, non avendo figli ahahah) Harry Potter durante la loro infanzia/adolescenza.

Comunque la Rowling mi ha stupito nuovamente, pur conoscendo la trama del libro ed il suo finale, sono rimasta comunque piacevolmente sorpresa!

Al prossimo libro cari Harry, Hermione, Ron, Silente, Hagrid, McGonagall, Piton, fratelli Weasley, e LORD VOLDEMORT.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré NOW WHERE IS MY LETTER FOR HOGWARTS?! I WANT IT!!!

hogwarts photo: Hogwarts hogwarts2-1.gif

After two years of ESL my english teacher decided to assign me a book to read, and every day for a couple of hours she would stay with me and I'd have to read, circle all the words I didn't know and so much more... the book assigned was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. After reading that book I started hating Harry Potter so much that I didn't want to see another book of his...

after a couple of months the first movie was out and the school brought us to movie theater to watch it and I actually fell in love with the movie! So I've watched almost all the movies and then at a certain point I stopped and I promised myself that I wouldn't watch the last three movies, not until I would have read the series...

stupid photo: with stupid stupid.gif

Well after 14 years I've finally had the courage to start this Saga and I'm so ashamed that I've waited so long... This book is adorable, perfect, I loved it!!! And I've already started the second one!!! Have to make up for all the years I've lost! D: But I've chosen to read it in my language, italian ;)... It's funny how a bad memory can influence you.


Stupid Me!!! I almost risked never reading this wonderful saga...

... ... ... HARRY POTTER < 3 <3 <3 ... ... ...<br/>
Even though I knew exactly what was going to happen and who the bad guy was, I was still surprised! Rowling has a way of capturing you completely! She has bewitched me completely!!!!!!

Me after reading Harry Potter!

Dopo quattordici anni sono finalmente riuscita a trovare il "coraggio" per iniziare questa saga. Eh si, coraggio. Dopo il trauma subito da piccola avevo paura di riprendere questo testo. Ogni volta che pensavo alla saga di Harry Potter mi rivedevo piccola, seduta accanto alla mia professoressa d'inglese che mi invitava a leggere e cerchiare tutte le parole che non comprendevo (che erano tantissime, considerando che ero appena uscita da ESL - classe per alunni stranieri nelle scuole americane - da pochissimo). E quindi successivamente non ho mai più voluto saperne di HARRY POTTER! Dannazione!!!! ... quanto mi pento di non aver trovato il coraggio prima... per fortuna Harry Potter è in grado di stupire non solo i bambini!!!

harry potter photo: glee tumblr_les06aCN1W1qahz0j.gif

Dopo un paio di mesi dalla lettura del testo la scuola ci portò a vedere il nuovo film di Harry Potter al cinema, ma che dire... il film mi rapì completamente. Non vi era nessuno che mi osservava, solo io ed Harry. Ed iniziai a vedere anche i film successivi. Ma poi dopo il quarto mi imposi di fermarmi. Dovevo leggere la Saga di Harry Potter! ... beh dopo tanti anni eccomi qui!!!


Harry forgive me!!! But I'm all yours now... ready to fly to Hogwarts with you!

Questo libro è dolcissimo!!! Harry, Ron, Hermione... ohhh can't wait to see how the love between the two grows!!! <3 <3 <3<br/>

<3 Una vera e propria fiaba </b>che non stanca mai, che ti tiene incollata alle pagine! Un testo davvero unico, con protagonisti straordinari... e sto solo all'inizio! Non vedo l'ora di continuare... beh in realtà già sto leggendo il secondo!


Misteri, magia, amici, nemici, incanti, scope volanti, pozioni, intrighi, lotte,, tanti ingredienti squisiti che non possono non suscitare una forte emozione. Amore.

I need more!!!!



Untitled - Alexandra Bracken description
............Thank you Alexandra Bracken............

''It rained the day they brought us to Thurmond. And it rained the day I walked out.''

Reading this series with its three main books and two novellas was a surprising journey, that like many journeys has come to an end. Not all journeys have a beautiful ending but this one did, this book was perfect. There were some bumps along the road, but there is no journey free of them. Alexandra Bracken has taken our hearts and guided them along this journey, giving us many sad, funny, romantic, tearful moments. At the end of the road there was just one thing left to do: release her hand and watch the long road ahead of Ruby, Liam, Chubs, Vida and Zu...

''I brought my window down, letting my free hand drift out to catch the wind.
And the open road rolled out in front of us.''


I don't even know why at a certain point I was starting to think their would be a love triangle when it's so obvious that Ruby's heart only beats for Liam, and that Cole's love for his brother is the most pure feeling we find in the entire book. When Zu actually started talking my heart just lost a couple of beats, and the scene of Cole watching his brother with proud eyes was just beautiful, perfect. That's why I couldn't stand the idea of Cole dying... but at least he faught till the end. They didn't win!

“what they don’t tell you about forgiveness is this – you don’t give it for the other person’s sake, but your own.”

– cole

The love relationship between Liam and Ruby got a little tensed in this book, there were moments where I just wanted to punch Ruby in the face for the way she was treating Liam, my poor, adorable and tenderly Liam! But at the end we knew the reasons to why she was acting the way she was... pure love brings the fear of losing the people we love...


Everything was perfect... just read this series and you will love it. You can't love Alexandra's style, world building and plot. She is capable of making us wonder on all the bad sh... that keeps on happening in a world were we have come to consider ourselves "loving persons that respect others"... the truth is a little different, there will always be a man that want MORE power, there will always be a population knelt down in front of hunger and dispair, there will always be an idiot who can't stand the difference that makes us precious, there will always be a bloodshed... because humans JUST aren't capable of learning from their mistakes. BUT there will always be hope, and this is what this book is really about. Hope for the future!

"I love you. With my whole heart. My whole life, however long I’m lucky enough to get, nothing will change for me"

"Yeah? he said " The ol' Stewart charm finally wear you down?"

I will never forget this series, I will shelter it in my heart and I will always remember the characters that have made me smile, cry, laugh and love!

Ps. Vida/Chubs awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3<br/>----------------


Passenger - Alexandra Bracken
Reading chapter one!!!!!!!! <3<br/>

Ohhhhh what a lovely cover!!!




If this book is half as good as the Darkest Minds it already stole my heart!!!


:ooooooooo another book!!!!!! With time travel!!!! Woooo is it christmas time???!!!? Oh wait it is! Cant wait!!!

Sparks Rise

Sparks Rise - Alexandra Bracken He is the best thing I have ever seen in my life. The worst thing.

sadness photo:  tumblr_l8y9isVgl01qzidas.gif
Me after reading Sparks Rise

After finishing Never Fade I thought to myself well before you start book three why don't you read the novella first? It's about SAM and there is love and hope... this tender and pure love with her old childhood friend, Lucas, that just stole my heart. They both stole my heart, made it feel warm and then shattered it.

How could a short story make you smile, cry, laugh, dream, scream, dispair, wonder, hope, give up, fight, love the way this one did????

Yes... love... hope... and tears. This book with its 100 pages just broke my heart in so many pieces that when I ended it I couldn't stop all the tears forcing their way out.

The sparks that came out of me while reading this book could have lighted up a whole city during a black out.

I can't belive I just read this... Alexandra Bracken has a way of writing that just captures you and makes you dream. Just like our Lucas who was dreaming for all the others that couldn't anymore...

I will dream for them, if I have to.

Please please please let there be Sam and Lucas in book three. Please. Otherwise my heart is going to meltdown and never regain its original form :((((

Never Fade

Never Fade - Alexandra Bracken description

The first book captured my heart, this one just stole it entirely and there's no way of getting it back. Alexandra Bracken has officialy become one of my favourite authors. I just love her style, her storyline and her characters. She describes things so precisely that you just can't help finding yourself pushed in the story, watching the events take place right in front of you. She is simply amazing and so are her books.

So much more action full of adrelanine, it just runs trough your veins so fast and it makes your heart beat so fast.The ending of The Darkest Minds had me screaming and feeling all these emotions that I just couldn't and still can't put down in words, the novella In time made my heart just brake in so many little pieces that were shattered all over the place, again... and Never Fade just made me dream and cry like the others but with so much more fierce and dispair that it almost overwhelmed me.

my feels photo: community feels communitybraincrying.gif

I was a number: 3285.

The main character, Ruby , goes through a big change. We don't find the same scared girl of book one, but a determined person ready to fight for her freedom and most of all for the safety of the ones she loves. She fights the hatred that she built inside days after days. She learns to accept who she is and what she is capable of and finally actually starts to use her abilities - even though she wants to be cured. When she frees her mind and reaches inside of Knox's mind I just started to smile so much that I was about to have a facial paralysis. And it's never bad when a heroine has a good sense of humour.

Great. We were the goddamn Rainbow Connection. All we needed was a Red to complete the deck.

And she is just so adorable. "Don't call Black Betty stupid."

I just hope she realizes that everything she had to do was for a right cause, she has to learn how to control her abilities and not cry over her mistakes. She's going to grow stronger and stronger, we all know that. She is the main character, and then she is also just a kid who has finally learned to open up her heart.


My favourite character of the series, Liam, shows us another side of him, more appasionate, angry and weak. He is not a hero, not the way we intend him to be, but he is a hero that loves and cares for his friends, that would anything for the love of his life, that is capable of dreaming and hoping even when things get pretty bad. He is the sparkle in night sky, the one that will guide you trough.

I just can't help loving him, his kindness just makes my heart melt. In the chapter where he start to remember Ruby, or at least the dream of them being free and in love on the beach, I just felt sooooo many emotions that I couldn't get my thought straight, goosebumps, heartbeating and so much more. There aren't a lot of books capable of doing this to me.

"I love you" ... " I love you every second of every day, and I don't understand why, or how to make it stop- "

"I feel like... I feel like I'm losing my damn mind, like your face has been carved into my heart, and I don't remember when, and I don't understand why, but the scar is there and I can't get it to heal. It won't go. I can't make if fade. And you won't even look at me."

"... I love you so much. Not because of anything you've said, or done, or anything at all. I look at you, and I just love you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you... Please just LOOK AT ME"

my feels photo: falling feels d2bf9164.gif

Then there is our favourite friend Chubs, he also grows and changes a lot but at the same time remains the same loving and critical Chubs. I just love his sarcasm and just loved the way he treated Vida. I know there is going to be something between them, to obvious. Well at least I'm hoping for it. I just adore Chubs, the way he takes care of his friends, the way he protects and shields them, the way he sacrificed everything to find them.

The new characters o.o

Vida, Cole, Jude
Vida has a kick-ass personality, very strong and fragile, she doesn't open up easly and doesn't give the others the opportunity to see trough her, in her, but when she decides to open up her heart, she becomes a lovely person. Ready to kick ass if it means protecting the ones she loves.

Cole, is Liam's bigger brother, with a big red secret... I'm not sure how I feel about him, to many questions and few answers, I guess we will have to find out in the next book.

Jude , one of the most adorable characters of this book. Always ready to smile, stand in front line, take everyone down to protect his friends. Always hoping in a better future, always trusting other even when they shouldn't be trusted. His trust is deep, and it has nothing to do with his age, he isn't delusional, he is rational and just like Liam he is capable of seeing good in others, even when there is nothing left but a black hole inked in their heart.
The ending just made me want to cry, his smile will always be remembered in the hearts of the ones he loved.

The last scene is heart breaking, when Chubs and Liam decide to go back down the tunnel knowing exactly what they would find, just to keep Ruby away from the sad scene... another love demonstration. I just want Ruby and Liam to fight together, with all the others, and have a better future.

Can't wait to read the next book!

Magic Bites

Magic Bites -  Ilona Andrews ★ ★ ★ ☆ 3.5 stars

I think that this series might have some potential, even though I didn't really fall in love with this book, it did leave a certain curiosity that will surely push me in reading the next book.

Well the book has an interesting plot, that I admit I didn't understand right away. Many things are not well described and are left alone without further more descriptions. I'm a really touchy person, so when there are a lot of desriptions of anatomical parts I just can't help getting goosebumps. Sometimes when I'm reading about all the blood, the intestine shattered on the floor or parts torn apart I just feel like there is another hand writing or it's just Ilona Andrew's husband influence.

The main female character - Kate Daniels

She didn't really amuse me much, and sometimes she didn't even make me laugh, but she, like the book, has some potential, I think she's going to get much better. There should be more attention on her personality and less on dead bodies. Just kidding. I like a strong heroine with a kick ass personality, a certain charisma, and a strong will of her own capable to stand her ground against everyone else. And she has this cool raven tattoo on her left shoulder, and many secrets are hidden under that ink, and only the next books will reveal them...


She's a mercenary that gets to Atlanta after the death of her guardian, and here in this city where we are surrounded by strange creatures, disgusting vampires that actually don't have the gift of beauty (typical of these creatures, that guarantees them the approach of their victims), he have magic running things, horses that run next to cars in dark streets, we have Shapeshifters...

About the Shapeshifters I was a little shocked to read about man-rat, that's kind of disgusting... but then we have wolves and the alpha male lead... THE Beast Lord, Curran. What a Lion! .

I liked him a lot and I would like to read so much more about him, and that is one of the main reasons why I won't stop to this book and I'm actually going to read the next books. I also read a lot of good reviews on the next books, so I'm eager to actually read them, and I wan't to see how their hate/love relationship devolops .

And that's just how I imagine the Beast Lord
<3 <3 <3<br/>
I really enjoyed this book, it was a light read, and even though it didn't make me laugh it sure did make me smile a lot, and I think the world building is pretty cool but needs to be cleared out more. I really hope this series will get a lot better because I did kind of get attached to the characters. Stay tuned.

The Darkest Minds

The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken 4.5 stars

Right now I'm feeling to many opposite emotions so its going to be really hard to put my thoughts together and write a good review.

I'm a huge fan of Sarah Maas, so when I saw her review I just had another great reason to read this book, that I already had added in my To read list.

This book is amazing, it just captures your whole mind and brings it in beliving things that we know are not real. It's not just a dystopian book but so much more, actually I wouldn't even consider it a dystopian because when there is a supernatural force, like in this case, extra abilities and powers, we can't really talk about anything less than fantasy with a mixture of a dystopian world in which our characters are put in.

And what characters... I just loved them all. We don't have the typical male lead or the female heroine, but scared teenagers that try to find strenght in each other, that try to fight their way for a better future, we have love growing between them, pure love, not just the one between Liam and Ruby, but the one that each one of them feels for the others. Adorable Zu and shy Chubs. Liam is one the most loving character I've ever read about, he is so sweet and gentle, heroic in his own shy and stubbern way. <3 <3 <3 And like always, when I fall in love with the main male character the book just flies on a new level! <br/>
All I want to do now is get started with the second book! I don't like memory loss, I hate it, hate it!!! I do understand why Ruby did what she did, but I just hope there is a way... she's going to give him all the memories stollen. I'm sure she has that ability, but just doesn't know it yet! He has to remember her or my heart is going to scream out all the pain that I'm trying to control inside! I've already had to deal with Daniel's memory loss in Champion, and the ending of all our yesterday... please not this one also! If this book was great, even if slow in some points (that's why 4.5 stars and not 5) the sequels are going to be mind blowing, I just know it! Too many things have happened in the last chapters, and that ending was breath thaking, eyes melting, heart pounding... I need to know like NOW, what happens to Chubs, when they're going to break free... and the POV? It's just hers... I want to know what happens to Liam! Where the other kids are, what happened to Clancy...

Beautiful book, loved it and I recommend it to EVERYONE! Just read it and you'll know why. It will just capture your heart.

In Time

In Time - Alexandra Bracken Oh my... what did I just read? I'm a really sensitive person, all I need to get tears out is Lilo that cries over Stitch leaving... Really! A beautiful short story, hearbreaking... Alexandra Bracken what are you doing to me? First you shock me with Darkest Minds ending and now you break my heart with this novella? Really... now I need time. I was already sad now I'm just frustrated... Need time before starting book 2... Gabe :'(

Heir of Fire

Heir of Fire - Sarah J. Maas I must write a review in english for this amazing book...
Just added it to my To do list.

Inizialmente ero intenzionata a scrivere una recensione in inglese, considerando che il testo è in lingua, ma poi i miei neuroni si sono ribellati ed eccomi qui.

Prima Cosa: non riesco a farci nulla ma quando do un'occhiata un po' in giro e vedo numerose recensioni negative su un testo che io ho amato mi si stringe un po' il cuore e una certa rabbia mi sormonta dentro. In questo caso penso che non debba sfoderare nessuna spada per difendere questo testo. Basta leggerlo e si difende da sé. E' un capolavoro ed una vera e propria testimonianza della crescita artistica dell'autrice. E sono sicura che riuscirà a stupirci sempre di più con i sequel. Ed in realtà mi dispiace per chi, purtroppo, non è riuscito a cogliere questa crescita e non restarne incantato.

A differenza dei primi due questo risulta essere un po' più lento, tutto si concentra sull'addestramento della nostra eroina preferita, sull'addestramento delle 13 e Manon e sulle recenti scoperte (anche interne) del nostro capitano preferito, ed ecco che parte il primo cuoricino <3.<br/>La Maas cresce e con lei crescono i suoi personaggi e le sue descrizioni. HoF rappresenta una rivoluzione ed un ponte verso testi che secondo me daranno un nuovo livello a questa saga.

I nuovi personaggi. <</b>

Rowan, sinceramente non ho amato particolarmente il suo personaggio e poi l'ho letteralmente disprezzato quando flirtava con Celaena. Ma in realtà non ho trovato nulla di originale in lui, sembrava la versione Fae di Chaol. Il suo atteggiamento nei confronti di lei, astio poi compassione, poi venerazione, ed amicizia ... che tale dovrà rimanere altrimenti gli strappo le punte delle orecchie a morsi! Magari nei prossimi libri verrà data maggiore attenzione alla sua figura come principe, guerriero e compagno fedele.

Sorcha, una guaritrice, fin troppo presente nella vita di corte, ed i motivi purtroppo li scopriamo solo al termine del testo. Il suo legame con il principe era così puro, ero così felice per lui, seppur sapendo che sarebbe stata una storia d'amore complessa. Ho sperato. Ho sperato che sul serio riuscissero a scappare, e mi sarei aspettata tutto... ma non una lancia fredda come i ghiacciai presenti nei mari artici, e rapida come solo la morte può essere. Comunque è stato doloroso scoprire che fosse lei la traditrice, gli occhi di Dorian nel vedere il suo capo abbandonato lontano dal corpo. Triste.

Manon Blackbeak, ecco un personaggio che mi ha letteralmente conquistata. Inizialmente ero un po' infastidita dalla sua presenza e non vedevo l'ora che il capitolo giungesse a termine ma poi non vedevo l'ora che giungessero i capitoli con le sue piccole quotidiane avventure. Nulla di straordinario, una semplice scelta del drago con cui fare la volata, conquistare i cieli, vincere i giochi e dominare i Clan. Abraxos, un essere antico e mitologico, saggio e compassionevole, il cuore che la strega dichiara di non possedere, e che inconsciamente o consciamente ha permesso di battere nel suo essere.

Aedion, cugino fedele di Celaena, legato a lei da un ricordo, un amore, un legame, un voto fatto anni prima. Ed il suo amore è così forte che persiste nonostante gli anni di lontananza e l'incertezza legata al suo destino. Il suo desiderio di veder il ritorno della sua venerata regina lo porta a scendere a patti con il con il nostro capitano, grazie al quale scopre la verità sulla sua regina e sull'assassina che per anni ha celato dietro una macchia di sangue il nome di colei che era destinata ad incoronare il sogno di un regno libero. Ogni sua azione sbagliata era stata da lui calcolata per il raggiungimento di un fine maggiore, anche se con ciò ha ottenuto una pessima reputazione. Reputazione che viene ripulita completamente nel capitolo finale. Il suo sacrificio è onorevole, compassionevole, eroico... proprio come lui. La mia paura è legata solo al suo amore per la cugina, spero che non tramonti in altro... spero che lui resti sempre e comunque un cugino fedele privo di corona o desiderio di indossarla.

Ora... I miei tre protagonisti preferiti!

Celaena, la nostra piccola assassina diventa una vera e propria regina in questo testo. Dopo una serie di lotte interne riesce finalmente a trovare il fondo del pozzo, ove è custodito il suo essere; riesce finalmente ad accogliere la sofferenza legata ad un ricordo troppo doloroso per essere rievocato dopo anni di silenzio; riesce ad abbracciare tale dolore ed inciderlo sulla pelle con una macchia di inchiostro indelebile. Il suo personaggio è quello che subisce un vero e proprio cambiamento. Sempre sarcastica, prepotente, minacciosa, dolce, asociale ed alla ricerca disperata di socializzare, forte, debole, arrendevole e disposta a sacrificare tutto per salvare le persone a lei vicine, innamorata e testarda.
Il suo amore per Chaol è ancora così vivo, così profondo che nella scena finale quando toglie l'anello, mi si è spezzato il cuore. Ma una volta che lo rivedrà e saprà chi è diventato LUI, penso che non potrà fare a meno di sceglierlo, perché seppur Celaena lo sceglierà sempre, Aelin non potrà restare indifferente ai suoi sentimenti ed a quelli di lui, dopo quella dichiarazione d'amore.

Dorian ancora non mi sono del tutto ripresa dal finale. Oh mio adorato principe, cosa hai dovuto sopportare e cosa dovrai sopportare? Non vedo l'ora di vedere una lama sprofondare nel petto privo di cuore di tuo padre, e vedere le torri cadere come castelli di sabbia, e le ombre da lui evocate impossessarsi della sua mente. La crescita del principe è altrettanto evidente, il suo amore per Sorcha è dolcissimo, il suo pianto straziante. Una scena tristissima che mi ha strappato diverse lacrime, e pensavo che dopo il dolore di Celaena nel ripercorrere i suoi ricordi dolorosi non avrei versato altre lacrime. Mi sbagliavo. Ma il suo sacrificio è stato ciò che mi aperto il cuore e mi ha lasciata priva di parole e con troppe emozioni con cui fare i conti. Il suo amore fraterno per Chaol è così puro che ci conquista completamente. Un sacrificio che sappiamo non sarà vano, perché Chaol riuscirà a liberarlo, dovesse essere l'ultima sua azione, CI riuscirà!

Ed infine... il mio adorato Capitano! Oh Capitano mio capitano! Per te sarei disposta a salire su ogni banco, seguirti nelle miniere di Moira, e dedicare ogni mio nanosecondo nel contemplare la tua bellezza, il tuo fascino etc., etc., etc.,
Chaol , non riesco a non innamorarmi sempre di più di lui. Il suo personaggio mi ha letteralmente conquistata. La sua iniziale arroganza mi aveva intrigata, ma il suo amore per lei e la sua dolcezza mi ha letteralmente conquistata. Il suo sacrificio, eh si, perché in questo testo vi sono numerosi sacrifici, è stato uno dei più belli. Un simbolo di ciò che poteva essere che affonda negli abissi per non riemergere mai più. Una scelta. In cuor suo lui ha sempre saputo da quale lato stare, ma ammetterlo non è stato facile. Ma quando lo fa, sa di aver fatto la scelta giusta, quella sussurrata da un cuore speranzoso, combattente ed innamorato.

Un testo semplicemente strepitoso. Straordinario e bellissimo! Purtroppo bisogna attendere un intero anno per il prossimo libro e questo risulta davvero troppo straziante! E devo ancora riprendermi del tutto dal suo finale mozzafiato. <3<br/>
First review 28.11.14

Mi sono innamorata del primo, ho venerato il secondo, e sono rimasta sorpresa del terzo, di cui mi sono innamorata e che venererò. La Maas ha superato se stessa, il world building ed i personaggi subiscono una crescita radicale, ma sempre caratterizzati dalla sua indistinguibile impronta. Si passa da un young adult fantasy ad un High Fantasy, e dopo aver letto la trilogia del Signore degli anelli, trovare un testo che possa solo lontanamente avvicinarsi a tale genere mi risulta sempre più difficile, ma questo testo ci sta riuscendo, ed i testi seguenti ne sono sicura.

Ora non riesco a scrivere una recensione come si deve, quindi dovrò ritornarci. Ancora scioccata e troppo ansiosa di recarmi presso la Maas per pregarla nel farmi leggere il quarto! Un anno... non voglio pensarci! Devo ancora fare ordine nella mia mente. Devo dedicare delle righe ai nuovi straordinari personaggi ed ai vecchi. E poi devo dedicare una recensione intera a Chaol... LoL. E tanto altro.

The Star Thief

The Star Thief - Jamie Grey DNF 62%

I read so many good reviews that I thought this book was going to be great, and well it was for the first half ... but then it just got boring and immature. I don't know I just couldn't finish it, and I don't really care how it finishes because it doesn't have a great or intriguing plot. For all I care they can all I die and I wouldn't blink. Ps. I really don't have a problem with strong female characters, and I really dont give a damn if they want to use their sexuality to get trough problems or just to solve them... sex appeal and all that stuff... don't care as long as the character is a STRONG character, that gets me, that has something worth reading... not this case. Just disliked her, him and the world building that just sucked at my advice...

All Our Yesterdays

All Our Yesterdays - Cristin Terrill It's really hard to write a good review for a book that I loved from the cover to the very last page (and the little chapter written by the author), but I will try because it's the least I can do for this amazing book. Did I already say how amazing this book is? Lol

I'm not really an expert in time travel novels, but I've practically watched every single movie there is about it and read a couple of books about it, but nothing can be compared, on my advice, to this book! Wow, thats a lot of buts, lol. It's not just about time traveling, it's about living the characters lifes while they live in the Past, escape from the Future, and see the Present change right in front of their eyes. The past versions of themselves that change the present, while the future versions of themselves try to change the future. It really is MINDblowing!

- Spoilers Ahead
From the very start I fell in love with Em and Finn, and their Love, and that was the hardest part. Knowing they needed to change the Past to have a better Future... it hurt because I really came to love them page after page. So the question that burns your brain is: If they do change the Past that will automatically change the Future and they will never fall in Love the way they did! But then we see the Past versions of themselves getting closer ... just a little, and you start to like this other version of them and start to think oh well they are going to fall in love and the author is giving us a close look to how it's going to happen... But noooooooooo, the ending is another VERSION of themselves that we know nothing about, and kind of feel distant from them and that makes us, well me, hurt for a little. But then the author makes that warm feeling rise in Marina's heart while she holds Finn hand. Adorable!

"I know loving someone doesn't ever completely go away, but it's hard for me. I see the way Marina is with him, and it STILL tears me up inside. I can't take it from you, too. I can't always be the consolation prize for you, Em. I love you too much".

"I love you Finn, and hate myself for not saying it until now". He seems to have caught my trembling, and he places a sweet, shaky kiss to my lips. "I think I can forgive you".

- James is an amazing character, his enigmatic and complex past self and his future evil and determined self just makes your hair skin blow up and chills scatter all over your body! I loved and hated him, I loved who he was and hated who he was going to be, I hated his little functional mind always working and always calculating... and I just wanted to erase the kiss scene, didn't feel right even though I wasn't the one kissing him. Lol.

But at the end he choses to be a good person, putting an end to all the misery and getting our loving Finn back! And giving Nate the opportunity to actually Live! He does change the world in a better place just like he always wanted, to bad that he saves it from himself.

Finn! Finn! He is just adorable, I really did fall in love with his strenght, and carisma, and charm, and his love for Marina/Em. He just loved her unconditionally, because thats how love is. Pure, not calculated.

This book really got me like few books. The style, the change of POV from past to future, the hatred and a spark of attraction between past Finn and Marina, the love that Marina felt for James, reason she will never be capable to put an end to his life, the brotherlish and strong/strange love that James feels for Em, that is the reason he haunts her and chases her and needs her, and can't kill her.

"That's why I can't kill you, and you can't kill me. Because even if it means the end of the world, I love you too much"

This scene kind of hurt because Finn was right there, but he understood and smiled at her knowing that she would always love him (James) but that love was something completely different from the one she felt for him.

And then there is the LOVE between Finn and Em, and that last scene! Just heart breaking, sweet, tender, wonderful. I just loved it!!! And with this I'm closing my review of a book that has found a little place in my heart, and I will cherish it for a long time.

"Finn," I say, "if we can do it, if we change things, I'll never fall in love with you. And you'll never fall in love with me."

"Don't be so sure" he says, pressing his forehead to mine. "I think I was in love with you long before any of this started"

I don't know wheter I want to laugh or cry. "Really?"

"Really". He presses a sweet kiss to my lips. "There's always HOPE FO US".

Currently reading

Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor
Anna Karenina by Alymer Maude, Louise Maude, Leo Tolstoy